All the dead will rise at the sound of the trumpet
All the dead will rise at the sound of the trumpet and praise the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Resurrector of their bodies.
O Father who formed Adam out of the dust.
O Son who by Your cross saved the race of Adam from destruction, resurrect me and appoint me to be at Your right hand, so that I may praise Your name. I worship You, O Christ our Saviour.
Blessed be Christ who has promised life and resurrection to the offspring of Adam in the day of His coming.
We also will rise and praise Him with all the saints who have been pleasing to Him. Glory to You.
By Your resurrection You granted the human race the hope of life and resurrection.
We offer You praise, because You are the resurrector of all flesh.
You mortals, glorify and praise Him who through His death did away with the authority of death and promised the mortal race life and resurrection.
Let the soul that seeks shelter in Your cross and that inherited everlasting incorruptible riches glorify and praise You with the spirits that are counted among Your orders.
It is fitting to worship the Father Who sent us His only-begotten Son, Who delivered mankind from death and Satan, and Who sits at the right hand of His Father asking for His mercy on account of all of us.
St. Ephraim the Syrian

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