Love Your Fellow Man – St. Isaac the Syrian
L ove Your Fellow Man L ove the poor, that through them you may also find mercy. D o not keep company with the disputations, lest you be forced to take leave of your calm. B ear the noisome smells of the sick without disgust, and especially of the poor, since you too are wrapped about with a body. D o not rebuke those who are afflicted in heart, lest you be scourged with the selfsame rod as theirs: then you will seek consolation and will find none. D o not disdain those who are deformed from birth, because all of us will go to the grave equally privileged. L ove sinners, but hate their works; and do not despise them for their faults, lest you be tempted by the same. R emember that you share the earthly nature of Adam and that you are clothed with his infirmity. D o not reprove those who are in need of your prayer, and do not withhold tender words of comfort from them, lest they perish and their souls be required of you; but do as the physicians, who cure the diseases which are m