All the things the Jesus Prayer is.

All the Things this Sacred Prayer Is T his is the divine prayer of our Saviour, the holy epiclesis: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner." This sacred invocation is not only a prayer but also a vow and a profound confession of faith. It calls down the Holy Spirit and grants divine blessings. It purifies the heart, repels demons, and allows Christ to dwell within us. It is a source of spiritual insight, redeeming us from sin and bringing healing to both soul and body. It grants divine illumination and becomes a wellspring of God’s mercy, ushering in revelation and divine mystery through humility. This prayer is our sole salvation, for in it is the name of our God, the only name given for salvation—Jesus Christ, the Son of God. As the Apostle declares, there is no salvation in any other (Acts 4:12). I t is a prayer because through it we seek God’s mercy. It is a vow because, in calling upon Christ, we offer ourselves to Him. It is a confession, for Peter wa...