In Honour of Herself Above All Women
Ah sure, isn’t it a fine sight altogether, lads and lassies? Here we are, answering the call of Mary herself—Herself Above All Women, the holy and ever-virgin Mother of God. I’ll tell ye, the very weight on me heart is lifted clean off by it all. And isn’t it just like what David said in the psalms: “How good and pleasant it is for brothers to live together in unity.” Isn’t there a fierce truth in that, now?
And Mary herself—ah, where in God’s name would we be without her? The pride of heaven and earth, a light that’ll never go out, not if we waited till the cows come home. She’s the crown of virginity, the bedrock of true faith, the unmovable temple of God. Herself, now, carried in her holy womb the very one that no space on earth—or beyond it—could contain. Sure, didn’t they say, “Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord,” and isn’t it down to Herself that such mighty words came to life?
Now take a moment and think of it, will ye? The whole Trinity is glorified, the Cross itself turned precious, the heavens up there roaring with joy, and the angels—aye, the angels!—clapping their wings like they’re at a fair day. And as for the devil, that old chancer? Well, he’s after being knocked clean out of his perch. Idols gone to dust, the truth shining through like a clear summer’s morning, baptisms flowing like the River Laune, and the oil of gladness poured out till we’re all dripping in it. And don’t get me started on the Church, standing tall across the wide world, with even the pagans turning their heads to the light.
What more could be said, sure? Isn’t it because of Mary, the very Queen of Heaven herself, that the Son of God’s light shone down on us poor creatures stumbling about in the dark? Didn’t the prophets speak on account of her, and the apostles take the message to the far corners of the earth? Didn’t the dead rise, and the kings themselves rule under the strength of the holy Trinity?
Now, I’ll say this, and ye can take it or leave it—who among us could even dream of putting words to Mary’s greatness? She’s mother and virgin, both at once. Wrap your head around that if ye can! I’m struck dumb just thinking of it. Sure, if the Creator of all things decided to come into His creation, who’d have guessed He’d go and make His own servant His mother? That’ll stop ye in your tracks, won’t it?
And so, here we are, lads and lassies, basking in the joy of the whole wide universe, marveling at the union of God and man in the Son of the Virgin Mary. Let’s bow our heads, full of awe, and give our praise to Mary, ever-virgin, the holy temple of God, and to her Son, our spotless Bridegroom. To Him, may the glory flow for all eternity. Amen, and sure isn’t that the grandest of truths?

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