Open for me the door of repentance.

My Lord and Master, God of heaven and earth, show forth Your grace and open for me the door of repentance.

I entreat You with my troubled soul. Look upon me according to Your great mercy.

Attend to my prayer and forgive me, who has been guilty of committing many sins.

Forgive all the vile things I did, for I have been overcome by means my own wicked desires.

I look for peace and find it not.

My conscience is polluted and there is no peace in me because of the abundance of my sins.

Hear Lord, a heart which beseeches You in turmoil.

Do not take heed to my works, but rather to the misery of my soul, and come quickly to heal me of my grievous wounds.

Restore me to a sound mind by means of Your grace and love for mankind.

Take away from me the weight of my sins and do not repay what my works merit, so that I not come to ruin in the end.

And so that I will not lack thought and care for my renewal.

I fall prostrate before Your loving-care.

Have compassion on me who am thrown into the dust by the judgment of my works.

Master, bid that I, a captive who is bound by his works as if by chains, for You only know how to liberate those who are chained, and how to cure the hidden wounds that are only seen by You who knows every mystery.

Display Your grace and extend Your hand to me.

Pull me out of the mud of my iniquities, O You who does not delight in the ruin of men, and who does not turn away Your face from those who beseech You with tears.

Listen, O Lord, to the voice of Your servant, who beseeches You.

Show Your face to me, because I am in a gloomy midst.

Illuminate me with the descent of Your Holy Spirit.

Give me diligence, O Lord, because I have become corrupt, and transform my toil into delight.

Rip up my sackcloth and gird me with Your joy.

Let the door of Your kingdom open wide to me, that by entering, I should praise Your all-holy name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

St. Ephraim the Syrian


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