O Sun of righteousness

O Sun of righteousness by which the righteous have beheld their own selves and become a mirror for their generations, open up within me the gate to awareness of You; grant me a joyful mind, one which sails above the rocks of error, until I may reach that serene abode, as did our Fathers of old who pleased You with their discerning lives. S anctify me by Your Mysteries, illumine my mind with knowledge of You, make Your hope to shine out in my heart, hold me worthy to supplicate for it, O God my Father and Lord of my life; illumine Your lamp within me, place in me what belongs to You so that I may forget what belongs to myself. C ast upon me the constraint of wonder at You, so that the constraint of nature may be overpowered by it. S tir up within me the vision of Your Mysteries so that I may become aware of what was placed in me at holy baptism. Y ou have placed within me a Guide: may He show me Your glory at all times. Y ou made me to be light ...